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It's been a number of years since Grinder and Coola, our two resident Grizzly Bears, have had a full medical check-up.  They have been healthy and happily going about their normal activities in the large natural habitat where they live here at Grouse Mountain so we had no cause for concern.

This year, we made the decision to do a routine full pre-hibernation medical check up on each Grizzly. There was no specific reason for concern, just due to the length of time since their last check-up. 

The bears, on separate days, were sedated by our wildlife veterinarian and we did a full physical inspection (head, body, feet) as well as took blood for lab checks, weight and measurements.  

We are happy to report that all is well with Grinder and Coola! They have each received a clean bill of health and are ready to head into hibernation very soon.

We are anticipating a lot of snow this year and the bears seem to be too as they are already showing signs of slowing down and their appetites are decreasing - all signs that their long winter sleep is quickly approaching.

Here are some interesting measurements from their medicals:

1005 lbs (456 kg)
Left Front Paw - 20 cm wide (7.9"), 16 cm long (6.3")
Left Hind Paw - 19 cm wide (7.5"), 30 cm long ( 11.8")
Tip to Tail - 235 cm (92.5" or 7.7')

850 lbs (385.5 kg)
Left Front Paw - 17 cm wide (6.7"), 18.5 cm long (7.3")
Left Hind Paw - 17 cm wide (6.7"), 28 cm long (11.0")
Tip To Tail - 210 cm (82.7" or 6.9')